
8-bit enhanced 8051 single chip microcomputer CM6144 released

release time:2023-11-06publisher:CSC

This product is a high-speed, low-power 1T-cycle 8051-core 8-bit enhanced FLASH microcontroller chip, which is faster and more efficient than the traditional 8051.

The maximum operating frequency is 12MHz, and 16-byte FLASH ROM, 1-byte EEPROM-LIKE and 768-byte RAM (internal RAM 256B plus external RAM 512B) are integrated on the chip, and high-resolution touch modules (up to 26 channels) are integrated inside. A high-precision 12-bit ADC module (up to 26 channels) with a built-in 1MHz RC oscillator and a low-frequency 32k RC oscillator, including 26 bidirectional GPIO ports, Two-wire debugging interface and programming interface at the maximum. It has three 16-bit timers (in which timer2 supports external 32768Hz crystal), four-channel 16-bit common-period PWM0, 16-bit high-low level independent control PWM1/2, two-channel UART, one-channel SPI and one-channel IIC, and integrates four-level optional LVD, watchdog timer and other functions internally.